How to join the study

Logo with letter i in circle

If you are happy to take part please complete the short form included in the SMS text message you received from your GP. We will ask for your name, telephone number, email address and what time/day would be best to contact you.

  • Please read the participant information sheet or watch a participant information video.
  • A member of the research team at your local hospital will be in touch (either by telephone or video call) to talk through the study with you. You will be able to ask any questions and the research team will go through some questions with you to check you are eligible to take part.
  • If you are eligible to take part and you would like to do so, an online consent form will be emailed to you to complete. The nurse will book in your first hospital visit and you will be sent the questionnaire to complete

What would taking part involve?

  1. Completing the online questionnaire
  2. Visit one: At a hospital for an assessment, blood test and x-ray
  3. Visit two: An MRI scan
  4. Your results are reviewed by a rheumatology specialist
  5. Your results are then sent to you and your GP.

Flow chart

Funded by: NIHR